In the Classroom

In my room, students will
Feel seen and heard
Feel safe to take risks & fail
Have space to be curious & creative
Learn from authentic tasks & feedback
Struggle with big ideas & tough discussions
Build resilience & stamina
Sense belonging & community
Have access & agency
Feel valued & supported for who they are

Active learning
Ms. Spencer likes to engage with students at their level. She spends a lot of time wandering the classroom and crouching for one-on-ones at desks. She loves trying things and making a mess in the name of creativity.

Connection with students
At the beginning of the year, Ms. Spencer was concerned she wouldn’t find a way to connect with one particular student. They were so quiet and shy. They hid their paper from Ms. Spencer as she walked around the room while the students worked. She made a concerted effort to find out more about them through the year. She gave them lots of space as well. Ms. Spencer went out of her way to demonstrate that she saw them and cared about their success.
During Ms. Spencer’s lesson in her final week in the classroom, this student went to the front of the room and performed a poem they had written in front of the entire class!